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The Writer's Lab: Elevating Women's Narratives in Film

As part of our commitment to raising awareness about ageism in entertainment, we’re thrilled to share a little about The Writer’s Lab — a pioneering initiative bringing overdue attention to the stories of women over 40.

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The Writer's Lab Logo | @The Writer's Lab

What is The Writer’s Lab?

Founded in 2015 by Kyle Stokes and co-founders Elizabeth Kaiden and Nitza Wilon, The Writer’s Lab is a dynamic platform for women screenwriters over 40. With backing from industry legends like Nicole Kidman and Meryl Streep, this mission-driven organization provides training, mentorship, and market support to amplify the voices of women in their prime whose stories have not been told. But they don’t just spotlight stories about women—the Lab embraces scripts of all genres that explore universal themes, creating a space for women to share their visions and talents.

The Writer's Lab provides practical tools and spirited encouragement for the work of screenwriters whose point of view, fruit of their age and gender, has been consistently undervalued in the marketplace. - Meryl Streep, Actor

Through rigorous selection, The Writer’s Lab offers workshops, script development, panel discussions, and more. Writers are empowered to develop high-quality, market-ready stories in a program that’s as thoughtful as it is impactful.

Why do we need a Writer’s Lab?

Ageism and sexism are pervasive across industries, and entertainment is no exception. Although female representation on-screen is a hot topic, we don’t often hear about the women behind the scenes, especially those over 40, working as screenwriters, producers, and in other key roles.

The Writer’s Lab steps up to address this gap, fostering connections and collaborations to elevate women’s narratives and bring diverse perspectives to the forefront.

As co-founders Wilon and Kaiden noted during their IndieWire interview, “The low number of women characters on screens is the direct result of the low number of women behind the camera and in leadership roles.

Why does it matter? Because the portrayal of women on screen shapes how all people see us (and, for half the world’s population, see themselves), and will define which way the economy, the environment — and, yes, even the election — might go. [...] The low number of women characters on screens is the direct result of the low number of women behind the camera, and in leadership roles in general.

Meet the Selected Writers for The Writer’s Lab 2023

The Writer’s Lab 2023 proudly features a talented group of screenwriters with diverse and intriguing stories to tell. Last year's selected writers include:

  • Louisa Kendrick Burton (“The Charge”)

  • Shari Lynette Carpenter (“Translate”)

  • Helena Cho (“The Last Buddha”)

  • Marya Cohn (“Hurricane Season”)

  • Lesley Fera (“Inconceivable”)

  • Brooke Hemphill (“Apotcalypse”)

  • Justina Ireland (“Bleeding Kansas”)

  • Tricia Lee (“Good Chance”)

  • Betsy Nagler (“Priceless”)

  • Lisa Ramirez and Michele Noble (“Fifty”)

  • Sarah Sinclair (“The Stratford Wife”)

  • Jill Twiss (“Bee”)

These writers bring fresh, compelling stories that are sure to make waves! Have you heard of any of them?

Mentors for The Writer’s Lab 2023

Last year's accomplished mentors offer invaluable guidance to participants, sharing insights from their impressive careers. The 2023 mentor slate includes:

  • Debora Cahn (“The Diplomat”)

  • Anya Epstein (“The Affair”)

  • Amy Fox (“Equity”)

  • Pamela Gray (“A Walk on the Moon”)

  • Rita Hsiao (“Mulan”)

  • Meg LeFauve (“Inside Out”)

  • Robina Lord-Stafford (“Moonshine”)

  • Erica Saleh (“One Of Us Is Lying”)

  • Susan Seidelman (“She-Devil”)

  • Robin Swicord (“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”)

  • Pat Verducci (“True Crime”)

Do you recognize any of these names?

Creating Impact Beyond Connections

The Writer’s Lab isn’t just about making connections; it’s about creating systemic change. By hosting events and discussions with industry leaders, they raise awareness of ageism and sexism in entertainment and keep these issues on the radar of those in power. This ripple effect benefits the entire creative industry, making it richer and more inclusive.

At the THIRD ACTion Film Festival, we resonate deeply with The Writer’s Lab’s mission. Supporting and sharing their work with our community is just one way we can help drive this positive change.

If you are also curious about women screenwriters, don’t forget to check The Writer’s Lab website for more updates on their mission!

The Writer’s Lab Comes to Canada!

The Lab is expanding its reach, with collaborations worldwide, including Canada! In partnership with the Firecracker Department and the Female Eye Film Festival, The Writer’s Lab Canada will welcome selected writers to Toronto for a comprehensive training program on December 4-6, 2024.

Check out the Firecracker Department’s website for more details — we can’t wait to see what comes from this exciting collaboration.

How You Can Make a Difference

We all have a part to play in amplifying these stories. Celebrate and support older screenwriters, producers, and actors, and share their stories. If you know of inclusive productions, drop them in the comments — together, we can help spread these voices! If you would like to be ahead of updates or learn more about our festival, don't forget to sign up for the newsletter!


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