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Lost In Memories

Lost in Memories is a documentary by Ruud Lenssen that captures the process of dementia and care his parents are going through. Father Jac has created his own little paradise: an acre of land with horses, chickens and a vegetable garden. The meadow is his life’s work and Jac is determined to continue looking after it. Especially now he has been diagnosed with dementia. The nature and his animals offer Jac comfort and provide grip in an increasingly confusing life. Mother Ria is concerned about Jac’s decline. The care for her husband is becoming more and more intensive and she must give up parts of her own life. Her feelings of love and caring regularly shift to feelings of frustration and loneliness. Nevertheless, she wants to take care of Jac at home for as long as she can. But while Jac is trying to cling to his paradise, the inevitable farewell is closing in. Lost in Memories is not only a film about dementia and care, but also a loving story about the impermanence of life.

Lost In Memories






71 min




Dutch w/English subtitles

You Gotta Friend in Me (Dementia/Caregiving)

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IDFA Amsterdam November 25, 2019 World premiere *In competition. In the audience top 15 (rated 9/10) Netherlands;
Limburg Film Festival Venlo January 12, 2020 *Winner Best Documentary Netherlands;
Dutch Filmfestival Utrecht September 28, 2020 Netherlands;
One World Human Rights Filmfestival Prague March 8, 2020 International premiere *Nominated for audience award Czech Republic;
International Documentary Filmfestival of Ierapetra Ierapetra August 1, 2020 Greek premiere Greece;
Filmfestival Kitzbühel, Kitzbühel, August 26, 2020 Austrian premiere *Winner Best International Documentary, Austria;
Chagrin Documentary Film Festival Chagrin, Ohio October 6, 2020 North American Premiere *in competition United States;
Kasseler Dokfest Kassel November 19, 2020 German premiere *Nomination Golden Key Award Germany;
Breaking Down Barriers Moscow November 26, 2020 Russian premiere *Winner Best Cinematography Russian Federation;
Guangzhou International Documentary Filmfestival Guangzhou December 14, 2020 Asian premiere *Nomination Golden Kapok Awards China


Director(s): Ruud Lenssen
Producer(s): Ruud Lenssen

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